Does 谷歌我的生意 Help 搜索引擎优化?

发表: 星期二,2022年4月12日 |标签: 商会搜索引擎优化, jcc的搜索引擎优化, 基督教青年会的资源, 协会的资源, 商会资源, 江户资源, 谷歌我的生意, JCC资源, 搜索引擎优化

Does 谷歌我的生意 Help 搜索引擎优化?

Using a Google Business Profile, also known as 谷歌我的生意, is a free tool that every organization should be utilizing. This easy-to-use online account allows businesses, 非营利组织, community and recreation centers, 协会, 商会, and economic development organizations to:

  • Add photos of your business and products/services
  • Write blog posts about what you do and how it helps people
  • Make sure all of your contact information is correct and up-to-date
  • Encourage customers to write reviews on Google about their experience with your business
  • Add important details, such as 小时 of operation, location, and services offered
  • Connect with other local businesses in Google+ Communities
  • 出现在谷歌地图上
  • Post promotions and special offers 
  • 提供链接到你的网站
  • Allows visitors to click to call on mobile devices

While all of those benefits are great, 你可能会想, “Does 谷歌我的生意 help search engine optimization (搜索引擎优化)?简而言之, 是的,确实如此. Let’s take a look at some of the direct 搜索引擎优化 impacts 谷歌我的生意 has so you can make the most out of your listing and improve your chances of showing up in local search results.



When you create a 谷歌我的生意 listing, you are allowed to include a link to your 网站. This will help increase traffic to your 网站 because Google will rank it higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).


我们相信 Google prioritizes businesses that have complete and accurate information listed on 谷歌我的生意. This includes a business address, 当前电话号码, 网站, 小时, and if your organization accepts appointments. If someone searches for a company in your area, and you have this information filled out on your listing, your company could be one of the first results that appear.


Having a 谷歌我的生意 listing helps improve brand awareness because it allows you to control how your business appears in search results. Your 谷歌我的生意 listing is an opportunity for you to put your best foot forward and show potential customers what makes your business special.


谷歌我的生意 also gives you the ability to control the information that appears about your business. You can add photos, business 小时, service and product descriptions, blogs, and newsworthy content. This can help improve click-through rates from search results and allow Google to understand your business better. The more information Google has about your business, the more likely you will show up in relevant searches.

Share updates and special offers

Another benefit of this free tool is the ability to post updates and special offers. These posts appear in Google Search and Maps and can help drive traffic to your 网站 or store. 谷歌我的生意 posts also give you the chance to show up in Google News, which can be a great way to get more exposure for your business. 

It’s clear that 谷歌我的生意 is a powerful tool that can help improve your organization's 搜索引擎优化 in several ways. By optimizing and claiming your 谷歌我的生意 listing, you can improve your chances of appearing higher in search results. If you’re looking to set up an account, here is a quick 10-step guide on how to create a free 谷歌我的生意 profile. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions along the way. We look forward to hearing from you!


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Here are other articles you might enjoy reading:

搜索引擎优化 Best Practices for Redesigning Your 网站


Google Places and Google+ Local: The Beginner's Guide


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