The Best Website Design Trends of 2022

Published: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | Tags: chamber user interface design, Website Design, Website Design Trends

2022 Best Website design trends

Each year, 看到哪些新的设计元素正在流行,哪些元素成功地成为永恒的经典,这是令人兴奋的. We see bold colors, simple layouts, 类似应用程序的网站是今年网站设计中最流行的趋势之一. Chambers of Commerce, economic development organizations, JCCs, YMCAs, associations, 全国各地的非营利组织都希望通过他们的网站给人留下持久的印象, and these trends are sure to help them do just that. 所以,如果你想在今年更新你的网站,那就既时尚又实用, check out these trends below.

Table of Contents

No-Nonsense Wayfinding

No-Nonsense Wayfinding

在当今快节奏的世界中,人们希望能够快速方便地找到信息. 这就是为什么简洁的寻路已经成为一个流行的网站设计趋势.

  • 使用恰当的行动召唤可以将人们带到他们需要看到的网站部分.
  • Y您还可以设计快速链接卡或高影响力行显示您的会员资格或产品选项.

By making it easy for people to find what they're looking for, you'll keep them returning to your website repeatedly.

Main Menu Navigation Fly-outs 

Main Menu Navigation Fly-outs

Navigation is one of the essential elements of website design, and it should be given careful consideration. 一个越来越流行的导航选项是弹出式菜单或超级菜单. 这种类型的菜单允许显示更多的选项,同时仍然保持界面清洁和易于使用.

  • 通过将鼠标悬停在主菜单项上或单击它们,可以触发弹出式菜单.
  • 这使得它们非常用户友好,因为用户可以立即看到可用的选项.
  • They can also be customized to match your website's overall look and feel.

As a result, 它们是一个非常通用的工具,可以用来创建一个令人愉快和易于使用的网站.

Character Illustration Guides

Character Illustration GuidesWebsite design trends come and go, 但有一个趋势似乎会持续下去,那就是人物插图的使用. While some illustrations are simply used for decoration, others serve a more practical purpose, such as guiding users through a website or app. 如果使用得当,角色插图可以成为改善用户体验的有效方法.

  • 例如,Duolingo使用插图字符来指导用户完成登录过程.
  • Similarly, Progressive的交互式应用程序滑动屏幕流使用角色指南来帮助用户浏览其各种功能.

By using engaging and informative character guides, 网站(和应用程序)可以提供更愉快和用户友好的体验.


Alternative Homepage Designs

Alternative Homepage Designs

In today's competitive marketplace, 一个设计良好的网站对于任何想要成功的企业来说都是必不可少的. Homepages are the first thing visitors see when they arrive at a website, so it's important to make a good impression.

  • 多年来的标准做法是在主页上使用图像或视频的幻灯片.
  • However, 最近的趋势表明,信息图表或简单的设计元素可以同样有效地吸引访问者的注意力.
  • 关键是要创造性地使用这些元素,并确保它们与网站的整体主题相关.


Long Web Pages 


These days, people are used to scrolling on websites. We shouldn't be afraid to have long informative web pages, 只要把相关内容放在首位,人们就可以按照自己的节奏继续学习. Providing clear calls to action along the way is important, but if someone gets what they need from the top 20% and clicks on the form, that's great. 如果有人滚动到底部,了解你产品的所有规格, that's even better. It's good to give them the option, at least.

长网页在一个地方为访问者提供了许多有价值的信息. They can scroll through at their own pace and learn as much or as little. As long as the relevant content is at the top of the page, there's no need to worry about people losing interest or getting lost. 号召行动仍然是必须的,但不要害怕让人们滚动和探索.


Serif Body Copy

Serif Body Copy

Another recent trend in web design is serif fonts for body copy. 设计师们避免在网页上使用衬线字体,因为它们在屏幕上阅读很困难. However, when appropriately used, serif fonts can add a sense of sophistication and elegance to a website. Additionally, they can be easier to read than sans-serif fonts. When choosing a serif font for body copy, 选择一种醒目的字体在背景中显得很重要. A classic serif font such as Times New Roman or Georgia is a good choice. 像Arial或Open Sans这样的无衬线字体是标题的更好选择. By combining these two different types of fonts, you can create a website that is both stylish and easy to read.

Splashes of Color

Splashes of Color

对于网页设计来说,在简洁和色彩之间取得平衡是至关重要的. 任何一种都过多会让人不知所措,并降低整体设计的影响. 在某些情况下,色彩的点缀会非常有效. Graphics and call-to-action sections are two good examples. Bright colors can help to grab attention and add contrast. However, it is important to surround these elements with simplicity. Otherwise, the design can become maddening and lose its impact. 你可以通过仔细选择添加颜色的地方来创建一个引人注目和有效的网页设计.

App-like Websites


As the world becomes increasingly digital, 企业发现他们需要更新他们的网站来保持竞争力. Many companies are doing this by making their website more responsive, meaning that it can be easily accessed and used on a variety of devices. 这包括创建易于使用和导航的类似应用程序的体验.

  • For example, 企业创建字段或游戏化页面,而不是在白页上有一个基本的联系表单.
  • 这意味着不同颜色的屏幕会引导用户完成整个过程.
  • 这为网站访问者提供了一个更干净、更友好的体验.

As a result, 随着企业努力为客户创造更好的用户体验,响应式网页设计正变得越来越流行.

Interested in redesigning your website?

我们希望您喜欢今年的2022年顶级网站设计趋势列表. If you would like to implement any of these on your website, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. 我们很高兴能够帮助我们的客户保持领先地位,并为他们的会员和客户提供引人入胜的在线体验.

We LOVE working with non-profits. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

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